Expanding Early Language and Literacy Spanish Individual Growth and Development Indicators to Monitor Progress

Award Period: -
Award Amount
Award Number
Funding Source
Institute of Education Sciences
U.S. Department of Education
National Center for Education Research
Sub with University of Minnesota
Early Learning Programs and Policies, Measurement, #R305A160077
Principal Investigator


The purpose of this project is develop a preschool early language and literacy progress monitoring tool in Spanish, Progress Monitoring-Spanish-Individual Growth and Development Indicators (PM-S-IGDIs), to complement a progress monitoring tool in English (PM-IGDIs) that will be developed with funding from IES. The development of a Spanish progress monitoring tool will allow for frequent assessment of the phonological awareness, oral language, and alphabet knowledge of 4- 5- year old Spanish-English dual language learners (DLLs). This tool will provide meaningful data at 3 week intervals to guide instruction for teachers of Spanish speaking preschool aged children. Nearly one in four children in the United States is Latino and more than one in five comes from a home where a language other than English is spoken. Targeting the development of early language and literacy skills in English and Spanish is a key recommendation to improve the reading and academic outcomes of Spanish-English DLLs.