Morocco Reading for Success

Award Period: -
Award Number
Funding Source
U.S. Agency for International Development, Reading for Success – National Program for Reading program, Creative Associates, SOL-608-16-000007, AID608C1700001
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator


In recent years, Morocco has made great improvements in advancing quality education. However, with only 77 percent of Moroccan youth ages 15 to 24 literate, the country continues to face literacy barriers that could result in higher dropout rates and less opportunities for children and youth. Early grade teachers lack the specialized training to teach reading as well as the appropriate materials and techniques. Outside of school, students have few opportunities to practice and enjoy reading. To address these challenges, the five-year Reading for Success – National Program for Reading program will support the Government of Morocco to develop a national literacy program to improve Arabic literacy skills in grades 1 through 4. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the program aims to improve classroom instruction; expand remedial and extra-curricular reading opportunities at school, at home and in the community; and improve national learning and assessment systems for reading and writing. Working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of National Education, Professional Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, the program aims to equip the government with the expertise and tools to replicate, scale up and sustain early grade literacy in all 12 regions across the country. Creative implements the Reading for Success – National Program for Reading program in partnership with the University of Oregon, Management Systems International and Al-Akhawayn University.