NumberShire Integrated Tutor System: Supporting schools to scale up evidence-based education technology to improve math outcomes for students with disabilities

Award Period: -
Award Number
Funding Source
US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs, Stepping-Up Technology Implementation Competition, CFDA No. 84327S, H327S160019
Principal Investigator


The purpose of this project is to develop and test the effectiveness of the NumberShire Integrated Tutor System (NS1-ITS) that will be utilized to optimally scale up implementation of an evidence-based education technology tool, NumberShire 1 (NS1), in first grade classrooms. The NS1-ITS will include (a) an enhanced version of NS1, (b) a large-scale data reporting system, (c) an Instructional Tutor that provides differentiated lessons, and (d) an Implementation Resource Center providing professional development resources and guides. Expected outcomes are to improve (1) teachers‚ use of data-based decision making (DBDM) and differentiated instruction and (2) math achievement, for students with mathematics learning disabilities.