Technical Assistance and Dissemination Center on Improving Literacy Through Supporting Elementary School Leaders

Award Period: -
Award Number
Funding Source
US. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program, Personnel Development Special Education-Technical Assistance and Dissemination, CFDA#84.326L, H326L180002


The purpose of the Center on Improving Literacy through Supporting Elementary School Leaders (CISEL) is to, provide technical assistance for school leaders on instructional content and leadership skills to improve teacher implementation of evidence-based literacy practices and literacy skills of students with, or at risk for, literacy-related disabilities. (Federal Register, Vol. 83, No. 29, p. 6003). CISEL will build capacity for school leaders to recognize and facilitate the implementation of evidence-based literacy practices through educational programming, professional development, and coaching, which will translate into improvements in classroom instruction, reduction in inappropriate special education referrals, and increases in student literacy.