Evaluation of the KinderTEK iPad Math Program

Award Period: -
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Award Number
Funding Source
National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Efficacy and Replication, R305A170044
Co-Principal Investigator


The purpose of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of KinderTEK, a fully developed, tablet-based math program for kindergarten students. Many teachers are turning to technology in the hopes that online programs, apps, and virtual manipulatives can provide engaging differentiated instruction, independent practice, and engaging content for students within their classrooms. Building off of a prior IES development grant and an OSEP Stepping Up Technology grant, the KinderTEK program can function both as a standard curriculum addressing whole number concepts, and as an individualized, preventative intervention with many opportunities for differentiated instruction. The KinderTEK adaptive program blends focused whole number content and evidence-based instructional design principles with the affordances of iPads to differentiate instruction for each student.