Individual Growth and Development Indicators: Automated Performance Evaluation of Early Language and Literacy in Español: IGDI-APEL Español

Award Period: -
Award Amount
Award Number
Funding Source
Institute of Education Sciences, Education Research, Development and Dissemination, NCER-EL Measurement, Subcontract with University of Minnesota, R305A200090
Principal Investigator


The purpose of this project is to expand the Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDI) suite of psychometrically robust measures for Spanish-speaking dual language learners (DLLs) by developing and validating measures for 3-year-olds. In order to support educators in making databased decisions that will lead to improvements in student outcomes, these measures will be designed to be sensitive to the practical demands of conducting assessment in community early education settings by maximizing utility and feasibility through easy to use, quick, efficient and responsive interfaces.