Interdisciplinary Preparation in Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services for Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs

Award Period: -
Award Number
Funding Source
US. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program, Personnel Development Special Education-Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities, CFDA #84.325D, H325K170150
Principal Investigator


Interdisciplinary Interventionists and Clinicians Improving Outcomes (INICIO) will train 42 Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) master's students at the University of Oregon to serve dual language learners (DLLs) from birth through age 5 with disabilities. The program includes the ECSE one-year licensure and M.A. degree program and the Communication Disorders two-year certification and M.A. degree program. Competencies include (1) foundations in ECSE; (2) typical and atypical development; (3) birth to 5 assessments with emphasis on DLLs; (4) family involvement; (5) implementation of culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions; (6) interdisciplinary collaboration; (7) research; and (8) leadership.