A Randomized Control Trial of a Tier 2 Sixth Grade Mathematics Intervention

Award Period: -
Award Amount
Award Number
Funding Source
US Department of Education; Institute of Education Sciences; Southern Methodist University (sub-award); Oregon Research Institute (sub-award)
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator


The purpose of this NCSER Initial Efficacy and Follow up research project is to conduct an efficacy study of the Promoting Algebra Readiness (PAR) intervention, a 93-lesson (Tier 2) mathematics intervention. Preliminary evidence has shown PAR to be effective for increasing the mathematics achievement of sixth grade students with mathematics difficulties (MD). In this project, we will measure the impact of PAR in a randomized controlled trial (RCT), which will include approximately 44 schools and 30 students per school. The treated sample will be students identified as with MD. We will block on school and randomly assign students to treatment (PAR) or a business-as-usual control condition. We will examine one confirmatory research question and a set of exploratory research questions. The first research question will focus on the immediate and long-term impact of PAR on student mathematics outcomes. The second set of research questions will explore student- and interventionist-level moderators and implementation factors associated with differential response to the PAR intervention. The research proposed as part of this grant will provide specific insight into for whom and under what conditions PAR works and information related to variables associated with implementation and scalability of the intervention.