SBIR MOCCA: Creating a Data-Based Decision-Making and Recommendation Tool for Reading Comprehension Instruction Using Diagnostic Results from MOCCA

Award Period: -
Award Amount
Award Number
Funding Source
Institute fo Education Sciences, National Center for Education Research, Small Business Innovation Research, Subaward to Emberex, Phase I Development, 91990021C0027
Principal Investigator


Through a series of IES Research Grants, researchers created the MOCCA, an online diagnostic reading comprehension assessment for students in grades three to three and for college students who struggle reading. Developed in an academic setting and for use in research, this SBIR project will ready MOCCA for use at scale in schools and education institutions. In Phase I, the research team will develop a prototype of an educator interface with reporting and recommendation features designed to meet the instructional needs of educators and a separate interface with automated insights to inform instruction for individuals and groups of students. At the end of Phase I, in a pilot study with 40 intermediate and college teachers and 20 intermediate and college administrators, the researchers will examine if the prototype functions as planned, if educators are able to use and are engaged by the new administration options, and if educators are able to use insights generated by the assessment tool to inform instruction for individual and groups of students.